Research focus areas/interests
Leadership in Corrections, Prison reform and organisational behaviour, Unit and case management in prisons, Inmate profiling, Inmates with intellectual and borderline intellectual disabilities, Ethical considerations in research involving inmates, Impact of Higher Education on graduates in their workplace
Introduction to Corrections, Leadership in Corrections, Correctional Project Planning and Management, Correctional Management, Evidence-Based Corrections, Current issues in Criminal Justice, Writing of Proposals and Mini-Thesis
Research in progress
Bruyns, H.J., & Schulz, S. 2019. Namibian Correctional Service: Architect or victim of the future. [Paper accepted for presentation at the 21st International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina: ICPA, 27/10-1/11/2019].
Kauuova, A. & Bruyns, H.J. 2019. The effects of occupational stress on correctional officers in Namibia. Advancing Corrections. [Paper submitted 31 July 2019].
Bruyns, H.J., & Schulz, S. 2019. Prison reform and inmate risks and needs profiling in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). NCRST Research Grant: NRF & NCRST 4th Bilateral Call 2018-2021. [NCS Final research report due 31 October 2019]
Luyt, W.F.M., Bruyns, H.J., Jonker, J., Schulz, S. & Du Preez, N., and Matshaba, T.D. Unit management in corrections: Law and administration. Pretoria: Juta [Writing of book in progress].
Publications (Textbooks chapters)
Schulz, S. and Bruyns, H.J. 2017. Corrections in South Africa. The Encyclopedia of Corrections. United Kingdom: Wiley online library. (Book chapter).
Conference papers
Bruyns, H.J., & Luyt, W.F.M. 2017. Ethical considerations for research involving inmates. Proceedings of the 1st International Correctional Research Symposium (ICRS), Het Pand Ghent, Belgium: ICRS, 27-29 March
Bruyns, H.J., and Schulz, S. 2015. The Impact of Learning on the Performance of Criminal Justice (Correctional Management) Graduates in the Workplace – A Case Study. Proceedings of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) Conference, Melbourne, Australia: ICPA, 25-30 October.
Bruyns, H.J., and Shakella, J.S. 2014. From Incarceration to Resettlement: A Review of Remand Inmates in Namibia. Proceedings of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) Conference. Windhoek, Namibia: ICPA, 26-30 October.