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Bahelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Modes of Study  Full-time/ Part-time/ Distance
Duration 3 Years
Level Undergraduate
Course Code 07BPSM


The Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management programme provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction of 
principles, concepts, theories and problem‐solving techniques within Procurement and Supply Chain Management. Businesses and 
government  agencies  require  people  skilled  in  supply  chain  and  procurement  management  to  coordinate  the  flow  of  materials, 
finances,  and  information  within  and  between  companies.  Procurement  and  Supply  chain  management  specialists  are  equipped 
with  strategies  that make  business and governments  competitive within a global economy,  thus improving  service  delivery while 
reducing  costs  for  employers.  In  the  same  vein,  the  Bachelor  of  Procurement  and  Supply  Chain Management  aims  at  producing 
graduates who can  competently manage  procurement and  supply  chain management  tasks and duties as well as make informed 
decisions within the scope of their responsibilities.
The programme will  further, enable students  to acquire knowledge and a more hands‐on practical approach and key  transferable 
skills relevant to addressing procurement and logistics challenges in Namibia and the international community. Graduates would be 
able to appraise and manage the synergy between procurement, logistics, and other functional areas of supply chain management 
in an organisation. Upon successfully completing the programme, graduates will be able to find employment in both the private and 
public sectors as procurement and supply chain management practitioner or manager.  


Admission Requirements 

Candidates may be considered for admission to this programme if they meet the General Admission Requirements of the Namibia 
University  of Science and Technology  (GI2.1 in  the  Prospectus). In addition, candidates are  required  to have passed Mathematics 
with at least an D‐ symbol at NSSC Ordinary Level or grade 4 at NSSC Higher Level, or equivalent.
Mature age candidates will be considered provided they meet the requirements and pass the mature age entrance examinations of 
the Namibia University of Science and Technology (GI2.2 in the Prospectus). 

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