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Bachelor of Marketing
Modes of Study  Full-time/ Part-time/ Distance
Duration 3 Years
Level Undergraduate
Course Code 07MARB


The Bachelor of Marketing programme provides a systematic and coherent introduction to the knowledge, principles, concepts, 
data, theories and problem‐solving techniques within the field of marketing. The programme has been designed to respond to 
both the local and international contexts as students will explore the ways in which marketing roles exist and  function within
Namibia and in developing societies more generally. The programme will enable students  to acquire a blend of cognitive and 
intellectual skills, as well as more hands‐on practical and key transferable skills, and to apply these competencies in addressing 
marketing  challenges  in  Namibia  and  the  international  community.  Students  need  an  understanding  of  the  complex  global 
marketplace  and  its  inherent  technologies.  This  requires  students  to  be  digitally  literate  to  operate  in  the  highly  demanding 
technological  market  place.  Technology‐based  products  are  growing.  Students  need  to  fit  in.  Businesses  organisations  need 
graduates with the digital literacy skills to operate marketing and sales technology. 

The programme aims at producing marketing graduates who are technology savvy and that can competently manage marketing 
and management related tasks and duties as well as make marketing related decisions within the scope of their responsibilities. 
Graduates would be able to appraise and manage the synergy between marketing and other functional areas of management in 
an organisation. The Bachelor of Marketing aims at equipping students with a diverse range of skills and competencies that are
marketing  specific  and  job  related.  Graduates  will  be  able  to  use  relevant  marketing  information  in  the  process  of  making 
effective and efficient 


Admission Requirements 

Candidates may be considered for admission to this programme if they meet the General Admission Requirements of the Namibia 
University  of  Science and  Technology  (GI2.1  in  the  Prospectus/year  book). In addition,  candidates  are  required  to  have  passed 
Mathematics with at least a D‐symbol at NSSC Ordinary Level or a 4 at NSSC Higher Level.
Mature  age  candidates  will  be  considered  provided  they  meet  the  requirements  and  pass  the  mature  age  entrance 
examinations of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (GI2.2 in the Prospectus/year book). 

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